Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top Five Eating Mistakes to Avoid to Lose Weight

Weight loss is a tricky business. It seems very easy to lose weight, but when it comes to actual performance most people tend to give up even before they have actually started. I have been helping people lose weight for almost five years now. Based on my experience with many clients following five eating mistakes should be avoided, if you are serious about losing weight.

Healthy Eating

Skipping Breakfast

This is the most common mistake that most people looking for weight loss do. Generally people believe that not eating breakfast will help them lose weight. But actually this is not true. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We are supposed to break the fast after a long time after dinner. In the morning our body needs hydration and good nutrition. If our breakfast is full of nutrition and well balanced it is actually good for our bodies.If we skip our breakfast, we tend to overeat during our lunch, which is worse. It is only a delay of few hours and nothing more than that. This indicates to our body and brain that our eating is erratic and therefore our body tends to store calories.

Eating while watching TV

This is another common mistake that most of us do. While eating food we should concentrate on the food. When we are watching TV, or surfing the internet or eating with some other distraction, we tend to overeat. Please remember overeating has little or no health benefit, actually it does harm in terms of weight gain. When we overeat, the excess calories are stored as food in the body. Those of us looking to lose weight should pay attention to what and how much we eat.

Using Food For Comfort

So why do we eat? Hungry? Taste? While watching TV? To reduce stress? Nothing else to do, lets have some coffee.. This is known as comfort eating. Whenever we have nothing else to do, or we are stressed out, we eat something. This overloads us with calories resulting in weight gain.

Not Controlling The Portion

Most of my clients ask me, what should I eat to lose weight fast, or to lose weight what foods should I avoid.

It is not some foods are good or some foods are bad while losing weight, it is the amount or portion of food that we eat. Learn to control your portion. Do not overeat. Nutrition and calories are required by our body but excess nutrition and excess calories are no good.

Eating Too Fast

It takes approximately 15 minutes for our brain to realize that we are full. If you eat too fast, before our brain comes to know we are full, we have overeaten. So eat slowly.

Taking care of these five common mistakes will help you to lose weight. Take care!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat - 2 Important Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle!

When it comes to learning how to gain muscle and lose fat, you should remember that diet and exercise plays an equal role. But for quick muscle gain, it is important to follow both of them in order to achieve your goal. Here are some techniques on how you will be able to do this:

How to Gain Muscle

Exercises to Build Muscle

Getting into an exercise routine is one of the most important elements when it comes to learning how to gain muscle and lose fat. There are actually hundreds of exercises available to help you gain muscles and you can do this by doing bench presses, dead lifts or by using dumbbells. These exercises are the most effective when it comes to toning and strengthening the muscles.

When learning how to gain muscle and lose fat, always bear in mind that you should not push yourself to the limit as this can strain your muscles and may cause over fatigue. Take note that muscles need to rest as well and so your workouts should only be done at least 3 to 4 times a week. Aside from that, you have to make sure that you are consuming enough amount of water while working to prevent dehydration.

Diet to Build Muscle

High protein diets are essential when it comes to learning how to gain muscle and lose fat. Proteins can be very helpful in providing your body with the energy it needs to rebuild your muscles. There are certain foods that can provide you will all the proteins you need and this should include dairy foods and seafood.

You may also acquire adequate amount of protein from foods such as lean meats, fishes and chickens. Remember that putting excess butter or vegetable oil into your meal may not be a good idea as this will only give you harmful fats. Foodstuffs such as eggs, milk, whey, beans, nuts, lentils, peanut butter, soy and yogurt among others, are rich in protein as well. Foods that should be avoided or cut down includes fried foods, sweets, ice cream, cheese and candies.

Make sure to focus on foods such as vegetable and fruits, and foods which contain high amounts of carbohydrates such as rice or pasta for you to gain the essential energy that you need.

Aside from having a good exercise routine and a healthy diet, take note that when it comes to learning how to build muscle and gain fat, dedication and motivation plays an important role as well. There are things that you should not do while working out, such as skipping meals, as this will not help you with the goal you are trying to achieve. Consulting your doctor regarding the foods that you are consuming can be very helpful as well, to prevent any complications and putting your own health at risk.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Try This Handy Method of Weight Loss For Men Over 40

My friend Bob and I are over 50 and like to work out. For us fat is a constant battle but especially for him because a few years ago he was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I was told that my blood pressure was beginning to rise to a cautious level.

Weight Loss For Men Over 40

We both had to lose some weight and move out of our comfort zones. As men in our fifties, we are subject to all manner of ailments that can lead to hospitalization and "early retirement" (our euphemism for death).

In the developed countries weight loss is a never ending fight in which corporations feed us the materials that make us fat and supply the remedies to fight the battle of the bulge. Bob loves to drink; I love to eat West Indian food, so we both work out to keep the pounds from over running our bodies.

Here are a few tips for men over 40 to keep in mind when trying to keep the weight off. First do a goal setting session in which you honestly identify your strengths and weaknesses. Write down what you love to do and what you hate to do when it comes to activities.

Track your eating habits for a week.

Choose a course of action that you can track easily. If you hate to write, and hate to keep records, instead of writing down every item of food when you start your food evaluation, get a voice recorder and keep it handy when you prepare or eat your food. This will allow you to easily keep track of your food consumption for a few days in order to evaluate your true eating habits.

Choose a range of activities that you find pleasurable.

Your activity level will need to be increased for fat burning. If you love to lift weights, but you have not been able to keep the fat off, you will need to decrease your calories while working out longer.

You'll need to increase your metabolism so don't cut your calories and not increase your activity level. This is important, many people who begin to restrict their calorie intake begin to sleep more or feel lethargic. This signals the body that it's time to hibernate. If you are one of those men who skip breakfast and eat late at night, you will need to boost your activity level to spark your metabolic process.

Remember that daily exercise is the key in combination with lower calories to reduce fat and build muscle. Believe it or not, you don't have to starve yourself, just eat 500 calories less than you do now each day and increase your daily activity by 25 - 50% to achieve a one to two pound fat loss a week.

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